Some of the Regular (and Less Regular) Group Rides

B-Team Rides


The B-Team is really the most stable and mature in terms of group rides. The B-Team has been at it for over a decade now. They often host earlier morning rides on the weekends from either Plein Air or the Oxford Treehouse Gallery.

They also host a wonderful 25ish mile evening ride on Mondays and Wednesdays during the daylight savings time window. It has a rolling start time, depending on how much light there is at the end of the day. Earlier in the shoulder seasons, later during the thick of it.

These rides are not competitive, racey rides. This is group of folks that enjoys riding together. So if you have a power meter, you might want to keep looking. If not, check them out. Unless you’re Tom.

Group sizes range from 5 to 15 strong.

You can usually find out what they’re up to by going to the Oxford Cycling google groups list.

Business Breakfast


From the beginning of DST (mid March) until October 15, a group meets at Uptown Coffee on the square every Tuesday/Thursday and rides out at 6:00 AM sharp - no window. If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late, you were never there.

Because it is early as heck, and people need to get to work, be familiar with the route, have a phone and be prepared to fix your own flat.

This isn’t a fast ride, but it’s not slow either. We have a few spots where we go fast and re-group, but if you want to attack the group just to blow it up, please don’t come. There’s other folks you can ride with.

Group size ranges from 2 to 10, sometimes as many as 11!

Oxford Cycling


There is an Oxford Cycling page on Facebook where there are updates about impromptu rides and other activities like trail building parties.

This is where the fast guys usually post. Be prepared to be ride alone if you get dropped. So know where you are and how to get home.

Group will usually be 2-8 people, with everyone pulling their weight.

If you use Facebook, head on over to their page, give it a follow and see if it bears any fruit.

OMGz Gravel Series


Starting more or less around the first Saturday of November, we host an informal 6-ride gravel series. The first ride starts off as somewhat of an introduction to the Holly Springs National Forest - about 30 miles - and then we get longer and harder each successive weekend after that.

Group size hovers between 1 and 12.

Head on over to the events section of the site to learn more about the free OMGz series.

Wimpy Guy Ride


The Wimpy Guy Ride is the best ride of the year so far, every year, guaranteed! It’s an informal, therefore free, ride. The Wimpy Guy is a precursor and warmup to our infamous Tuff Guy Ride that takes part later in the year.

Head on over to the events section of the site to learn more about the Wimpy Guy Ride.

Group size can range anywhere from 4 to 10, with folks happily meeting us at the woods or only doing the road portion. You be you.

Tuff Guy Ride


The first ultra-endurance MTB ride of the year, and yet another freebie, but donations are accepted. Come out and explore ALL of Oxford's singletrack in a single day.

Ride leaves from Clear Creek at 9:00 AM for a trip into town and a loop through the Whirlpool/ South Campus trails. Then it’s back on the road to Clear Creek for a lap of the full 13 mile loop and carnitas at the big pavilion! Total milage in the 50-60 range.

Head on over to the events section of the site to learn more about the Tuff Guy Ride.